Climbing (on artificial terrain, in the hall) is a modern, very useful and quite safe sport.
Climbing, that is, moving along a vertical support, is one of the main genetically programmed ways of human movement in space. When climbing, all muscle groups are involved, the muscles of the hand and foot, back and abs are very actively working, this is a combination of cardio and strength training, a combination of static and dynamic loads. Climbing develops coordination, including eye-hand coordination, balance, flexibility and plasticity, and work is underway on the transfer and distribution of body weight. Thinking, strong-willed qualities, purposefulness and self-confidence, responsibility for one's actions and discipline develop. The child learns to control and overcome his fear, to trust the insurer adult, to listen to instructions and follow them. Climbing classes in children with disabilities actively affect such qualities as balance and coordination of movements, large and fine motor skills, eye-hand coordination, and improve children's motivation